We invite anyone who has the slightest curiosity about the mysteries of bell ringing to come and talk to us about it up in the tower on Friday nights or before Sunday service.
Ringers don’t need to be strong, just be able to recognise good rhythm, and they learn the technique of handling the bell over a fairly long time. It usually takes about 6 months from starting, to be good enough to ring for
The Bellringers' Blessing
May you look to each other.
May you always chime in harmony,
and may all your clashes be minor.
May you ring evenly: not crowding
each other, nor too far apart. May you
always have a strong band around you.
May you help each other to follow your path,
even through life's most complicated methods.
May you learn when it is your turn to lead and to follow,
when to make places, when t
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